About the instructor

That Cool Maori Facilitator

Terry Nelson

I have been working in the youth and community sector for over 10 years and have a real passion to help people.5 years ago while working with young people transitioning them from care to independence, I saw an urgent need for them to attain their drivers licence as I knew this achievement would have an immediate impact in their lives when it comes to opportunities in employment, education and especially gaining their independence.These young people had experienced extreme adversity in their lives and were all subject to Care and Protection orders.  As to be expected these young people had disadvantages that impacted negatively on their learning processes and experiences of success, and this often reflected in their pathway to being a legal driver.  Many couldn't be bothered with even beginning the process due to the length of time current workshops delivered in and the current resources on the market being too overwhelming to study.  So over a year I set out to re-create the current resources to deliver a learner licence program that was quick & allowed them to learn information in the easiest possible way.  Coupled with my teaching methodology and trialing it over a two year period it proved to be more successful than I had originally imagined.   Fast forward 4 years later and our resources and workshops are used nationwide with a 98% pass rate to date.  We are constantly evolving with the market, so you will regularly see us creating innovative new ways to engage & enable individuals to learn that 404 page book called the NZ Road Code in the easiest possible way.Check out all our amazing reviews on our website and facebook page to see the impact we have been able to make so far. www.LetsGetLegalNZ.com www.Facebook.com/LetsGetLegal